Here we strive to provide the very best care and one way of achieving this is to learn from past care we have delivered through case note reviews. Much can be learnt from recognising examples of excellent care as well as identifying areas for improvement.
As well as reviewing the death of any patient for whom significant concerns have been raised, case note reviews are routinely carried out on a proportion of all inpatient deaths by a senior clinician who was not directly involved in the person’s care.
The clinician will look at each aspect of the person’s care and feedback any learning points, both positive and negative that may benefit care provided to others in the future. If a routine review finds any issues with a person’s care, the family will be contacted to discuss this further.
If your loved one had a learning disability, was a child, died in a maternity setting or as a result of a mental health related death, there are specific processes and procedures the Trust needs to follow. If this is the case, you will be contacted by a senior clinician within that specialty who will provide you with the relevant details on these processes.
This also provides practical information on what to do following a death.